It’s perhaps no surprise that I went on to study nutrition and then become a dietitian. In my best Mean Girls voice, I like to say that I’m not a regular dietitian, I’m a cool dietitian. That’s because I don’t focus on weight loss, fad diets, or anything that makes you feel bad about your food choices. In my previous career, I worked as a sports dietitian who specialized in eating-disorders, and I know that power that food restriction can have. My efforts are to help others find their healthiest relationship with food, which usually means ditching the scale, ignoring calorie counts and listening intuitively to what the body needs.

You’ll see nutrition information on some of the recipes (because enough of you have asked for it) but my philosophy around cooking has nothing to do with numbers. Instead, I focus on eating lots of plant foods with a little dairy or egg occasionally thrown in. I first became a vegetarian back in high school, then started and stopped until grad school where I experimented with veganism for a few years. Now, I consider myself to be predominantly plant-based; I eat a lot of plants and I occasionally eat animal products. This way of eating brings me the most peace with food and it’s the type of recipes that you’ll see here.