How to make oat milk

I’ve been singing the praises of oat milk ever since I discovered it a little over a year ago. It’s my secret weapon in creating perfectly moist vegan cakes and the star in making fluffy, plant-based pancakes (coming soon!) and rich, vegan ice cream (also coming soon!)

Since oat milk can be close to $5 for a half gallon, I figured that it was time to show you how to make your own, for much less! Not only does this homemade oat milk recipe save you money (even using organic oats), it’s also easy to do and the taste is incredible.

Imagine the creamiest plant-based milk you’ve ever tried. That’s oat milk! Here’s how to do it.

How to Make Oat Milk

  1. Place oats, water, salt into a blender and puree until creamy. Since I use this oat milk in cereal and for making, I add a date (and sometimes a little vanilla) for a sweeter milk.
  2. Pour contents into a nut milk bag (or cheesecloth lined bowl) This allows you to easily strain out the solids and creates a creamy oat milk. You can grab a nut milk bag for less than $10 and I use mine almost weekly in making juice and homemade milks (this same process works for cashew, hemp, almond and other non-dairy milks.)
  3. Done! Now you are ready to enjoy creamy, delicious oat milk.

Is Oat Milk Gluten Free?

Yes! As long as you use certified gluten-free oats, then your milk will be gluten-free. My favorite brand for certified gluten-free oats are Bob’s Red Mill and the one’s from Thrive Market.

Is Oat Milk Good For You?

As a Registered Dietitian, I’m a big fan of alternative milks to dairy. I try to limit dairy intake as much as possible and homemade dairy-free milks make that possible. Oatmilk is higher in carbohydrates and lower in fat and protein than some other non-dairy milks, but it’s still a healthy option. I prefer oatmilk in my cereal and for vegan baking. See below for more on that!

How to Make Oat Milk that Isn’t Slimy

Homemade oatmilk can be slimy, but there are a few ways to avoid this.

  1. Make sure you are using very cold water to blend your oats and not over blending them. Heating the oats will create more slimy milk.
  2. Soak the oats for 15 minutes, then rinse in cold water to remove excess starch. You don’t have to do this, but will create a creamier milk.
  3. Double strain it. Pour through a nut milk bag once, then do it again. This will help ensure that your milk is extra-creamy and not at all slimy.

Why Oat Milk is Best for Vegan Baking

While I use this milk in several ways, it’s usually my go-to milk for baked goods.

One, oat beverage is higher in carbohydrates than other plant-based beverages and that’s a good thing. The reaction behind every golden brown baked temptation is known as the Maillard reaction. Catalyzed by the heat in the oven, reducing sugars with amino acids (protein!) yields a golden brown exterior and that characteristic ‘something is baking‘ aroma.

You need two things in order for this to happen: sugar, usually in the form of sugar in the recipe and/or ingredients like milk, and protein, usually in the form of milk or eggs. This is why when you swap in artificial sweeteners for baked goods the color is off.

It’s also why, in making vegan baked goods, removing both protein (eggs/milk) and reducing sugar can lead to pale baked goods. Tastes fine, but the color is off. Oat milk is naturally higher in carbohydrates than almond, making it a superior choice to getting a beautiful golden brown color and ‘baked good’ flavor.

Since having this ah-ha realization after one-too-many pale vegan cupcakes, cookies and cakes, I’ve fully converted to oat beverage! And, I think you should too.

Once you make this milk, try it with homemade baked oatmeal, healthy banana muffins, pear muffins and espresso brownies.

Watch how to make oat milk here:

Ready to make your own oat milk? My guess is that you already have most of these ingredients in your pantry. And don’t forget- if you are planning on using this milk recipe for savory recipes then you’ll want to omit the vanilla.


homemade oat milk recipe

How to make Oat milk! This creamy homemade oat milk recipe is so easy and quick to make and tastes delicious too! It’s ready in 5 minutes and only 5 ingredients are needed.



  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 – 2 dates
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • a pinch of salt


  1. Add the oats, water, dates, vanilla and salt to a high-speed blender and blend for 15-30 seconds until smooth.
  2. Strain through a nut milk bag or a cheesecloth. The leftover pulp can be used in smoothies to add extra fiber.
  3. Pour into a milk bottle and allow to chill for at least 2 hours before drinking.


See notes in the post above about how to reduce slimy oat milk!

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