Tempeh bacon blt sandwiches

Let’s make vegan tempeh bacon BLTs! Did you see my post earlier this week about making your own tempeh bacon? That is a cornerstone recipe in my house and if you love the smoky, sweet taste of bacon– then I know you are going to love that recipe.

After you’ve made a batch of that, it seems only natural to make a tempeh bacon sandwich! AKA– A TBLT. Tempeh bacon, lettuce and tomato between whole-grain bread and a creamy mayo sauce.

Whole Foods has a version of this sandwich that is my absolute favorite; I ate it so often when I was pregnant with Emery and I’m thankful that I still crave it now.

You’ll obviously need a batch of tempeh bacon and the juiciest tomatoes you can find. That’s really what makes this a summer meal– tomatoes either make or break the BLT.

When I’m feeling lazy, I’ll opt for a smear of vegenaise instead of my mayo sauce. You really just need a creamy layer to help balance the smoky bacon, juicy tomatoes and crisp lettuce. I’m not even that much of a mayo fan but it’s absolutely essential to a good TBLT.

How is your summer going? I know 2020 has knocked all of us down, some more than others, and I’m hoping that you’re able to find some traditional summer enjoyment.

We’ve been spending most early mornings outside before the sun and humidity get to be too much and balancing the hot St. Louis summers with frequent trips up to northern Wisconsin to see my in-laws. BL and I are still juggling working and child care, which has many blessings but is also very hard. I’m thankful that we’re able to call on the grandparents to help assist us, while still trying to be as safe as possible.

It really does takes a village to raise a family and this crisis has shown me even more how critical that village really is.

Wishing you a beautiful July weekend– wherever you are and whatever you have planned. Hopefully that includes a TBLT– or two!

If you try this recipe, let me know! Come back and rate it and leave a comment; your feedback helps other readers and seeing you make my recipes makes my day. You can also share on social using the hashtag #delishknowledge. 

tempeh bacon blt sandwiches

Vegan Tempeh Bacon BLTs. These BLT sandwiches are SO delicious! Homemade tempeh bacon with lettuce, tomato and creamy dairy-free mayo.



  • 1/4 cup mayo of choice (Vegenaise is best IMO!)
  • 1 small garlic clove, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  • salt/freshly ground black pepper
  • 8 slices whole grain bread
  • 1 large tomato, sliced
  • 1/2 head romaine or butter lettuce, torn into large pieces
  • 1 recipe Tempeh Bacon


  1. Make Tempeh Bacon and set aside.
  2. Whisk together the mayo, garlic, lemon juice and pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper.
  3. Toast bread and spread each side with mayo sauce. Sprinkle with more freshly ground black pepper, if desired.
  4. Layer with cooked tempeh bacon, sliced tomato and lettuce. Slice in half and enjoy!

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